
Choosing a Star Tracker for Astrophotography

Choosing a Star Tracker for Astrophotography

Updated April 22, 2024 A star tracker is a portable tracking camera mount designed for astrophotography. The device ‘tracks’ the motion of the stars to allow you to take long exposure images of space without star-trailing.  These devices are commonly used with a DSLR/Mirrorless camera and lens, or even a small astronomical telescope. Recent models…

The 7 Key Traits of a Great Astrophotography Image

The 7 Key Traits of a Great Astrophotography Image

 A great astrophotography image is very subjective. What some people would consider to be the ‘perfect’ image, is a complete mess to others. While there are some core aesthetics that I think most people can agree on (nobody likes a noisy image), other aspects have vastly different opinions depending on who you ask.  If…

Astrophotography | 14 Must-Know Starting Tips

Astrophotography | 14 Must-Know Starting Tips

If you’re getting started in astrophotography, I am here to save you some time and frustration by learning from the mistakes of myself and others. Whether you’re looking into a full-blown deep-sky camera and telescope setup, or just getting started with a DSLR and tripod, I think this article will come in handy. The following…

How I Photographed a Nebula with a $200 Camera Lens

How I Photographed a Nebula with a $200 Camera Lens

Taking impressive deep-sky astrophotography images is not reserved for those using an astronomical telescope. A budget camera lens can be used to take images of some of the best deep-sky objects in the night sky. A telephoto zoom lens can provide enough magnification to pull distant objects in space in for a closer look, but…

My Best Image of the Andromeda Galaxy Yet

My Best Image of the Andromeda Galaxy Yet

My latest photo of the Andromeda Galaxy is my best effort yet. I have been taking deep-sky astrophotography images for over 10 years now, and this might be my favorite photo of space I’ve ever taken. This detailed image was captured using a small refractor telescope, with a mirrorless camera attached. The image reveals the…

Why You Should Start with a Refractor Telescope

Why You Should Start with a Refractor Telescope

If you’re getting started in deep-sky astrophotography, I believe that a compact apochromatic (APO) refractor telescope is the best possible choice. A compact APO refractor is portable and lightweight, making it a smoother transition from the camera lenses you may be used to. In fact, in many ways, a high-quality apochromat is very much like…

The Rokinon 135mm F/2 was Built for Astrophotography

The Rokinon 135mm F/2 was Built for Astrophotography

In this post, I’ll explain why I think the Rokinon 135mm F/2 is the perfect addition to an arsenal of astrophotography lenses.  Deep-sky astrophotography is often associated with a camera and telescope, but the truth is there are a lot of great camera lenses for astrophotography out there. In the past, I’ve covered a number…

Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro Review

Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro Review

The Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro is a computerized equatorial telescope mount with GoTo capabilities. This equatorial (EQ) mount is capable of providing precise, accurate tracking of the night sky, and is suitable for long-exposure astrophotography.  The core specifications of this equatorial mount include having a built-in ST-4 autoguider port, a payload capacity of 44 pounds, and…