Canon EOS Ra

Building a Deep Sky Astrophotography Kit

Building a Deep Sky Astrophotography Kit

I am often asked for my opinion on the best route to take when it comes to building a deep-sky astrophotography kit for the first time. A popular option for many night sky enthusiasts is to start with a DSLR camera and telescope, and I can understand why. Building a budget-friendly astrophotography setup that revolves…

nightscape photography

8 Nightscape Photography Tips for Amazing Astrophotography

Nightscape photography involves capturing a landscape style image, at night. It can include the beautiful Milky Way, a starry sky, or your favorite constellation. This is a type of astrophotography, where long exposure images are taken to reveal the beautiful light of a seemingly ‘dark’ sky. Star photography requires quality optics, and some camera lenses…

best astrophotography images

My Best Images & The Gear Used

On this website, I do my best to share information and astrophotography tips that provide value. I could pat myself on the back about all of the great astrophotography images I took this year, but it is of little interest to anyone if I don’t explain how I took the shot.  In this article, I’ll…