Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro

deep-sky astrophotography how-to

Deep-Sky Astrophotography How-To

While I have several videos discussing this topic of deep-sky astrophotography how-to on my YouTube channel, I realized it was time for a thorough walkthrough of my entire current process (2023) of capturing deep-sky images with a camera and telescope.  This article aims to accomplish that goal by providing a step-by-step roadmap to follow to…

star adventurer gti

Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Review

The Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi is a highly portable star tracker that was designed for astrophotography. It allows you to take long-exposure images of space by tracking the apparent movement of the night sky. Unlike the original Star Adventurer, the GTi model also has the ability to find deep-sky objects in the night sky using…

best astrophotography images

My Best Images & The Gear Used

On this website, I do my best to share information and astrophotography tips that provide value. I could pat myself on the back about all of the great astrophotography images I took this year, but it is of little interest to anyone if I don’t explain how I took the shot.  In this article, I’ll…