Milky Way

Choosing a Star Tracker for Astrophotography

Choosing a Star Tracker for Astrophotography

Updated April 22, 2024 A star tracker is a portable tracking camera mount designed for astrophotography. The device ‘tracks’ the motion of the stars to allow you to take long exposure images of space without star-trailing.  These devices are commonly used with a DSLR/Mirrorless camera and lens, or even a small astronomical telescope. Recent models…

DSLR Photography Tips: Shooting the Milky Way on a Tripod

DSLR Photography Tips: Shooting the Milky Way on a Tripod

It’s time for another Photoshop tutorial, along with some night sky DSLR photography tips.  This time, the subject is our glorious Milky Way galaxy.  There is nothing more humbling than spending a night under the band of stars seen from within our barred spiral galaxy. The true beauty of our universe is displayed in the arching…

Astrophotography Telescope Buying Guide – Under $2000

Astrophotography Telescope Buying Guide – Under $2000

Astrophotography Telescope Buying Guide Note: This post was created back in July 2015, I have since purchased a new astrophotography telescope, the Explore Scientific ED102 (The number 1 telescope on this list)! So you’re in the market for an astrophotography telescope, are you? There have never been so many affordable options for the amateur astrophotographer…

How To Take Pictures of Stars & Night Sky

How To Take Pictures of Stars & Night Sky

If you are wondering how to take pictures of stars and the alluring wonders of the night sky, look no further. In this article, I’ll share an absolute, bare-bones approach to capturing a spectacular photograph of the stars above the one below.  This includes covering which camera to use, the exact camera settings I recommend,…