Star Parties

A star party is an event where amateur astronomers, students, educators, and members of the public get together to observe or photograph the night sky with binoculars or telescopes.

They usually take place under dark skies in remote locations away from city light pollution for the best visual experience. 

A field of amateur astronomers at the Okie-Tex Star Party.

A Dobsonian telescope is a popular choice at these events because they collect an impressive amount of light at the eyepiece for a spectacular view of nebulae and galaxies.

These events are typically hosted by local astronomy clubs or astronomical organizations and can include activities related to astronomy, swap meets, presentations, and workshops.

Some of our favorite star parties include Starfest in Ontario, Canada, and the Okie-Tex Star Party in Oklahoma.

Cherry Springs Star Party

The Cherry Springs Star Party

The Cherry Springs Star Party has become an increasingly popular destination for stargazers along the east coast, for good reason. Now that the word is out about the pristine skies of Cherry Springs, the event sells out quicker every year.  It is held at a state park between Coudersport and Galeton in Potter County, Pennsylvania…

Bortle 1

The Dark Skies of the Okie-Tex Star Party

We have just returned from a memorable astrophotography trip at a Bortle 1 dark sky site. The event was an annual star party hosted by the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club known as the Okie-Tex Star Party. After a few location changes during the first several years, the star party found its home at Camp Billy…

Remarkable Dark Skies at Cherry Springs

Remarkable Dark Skies at Cherry Springs

The Cherry Springs Star Party is an annual astronomy event held in Coudersport, PA.  This incredible gathering of amateur astronomers always coincides with the new moon for truly breathtaking views of the Milky Way. The lack of light pollution in this area is the reason for a truly unforgettable view of the night sky. This…