Search Results for: light pollution

light pollution filters

10 Light Pollution Filters for Astrophotography in the City

If you shoot your astrophotography images with a color camera in the city, there is a good chance that light pollution filters can make your life a little easier. No matter which astrophotography camera you use, filters can make the difference between a decent image and a great one.  They ignore specific wavelengths of light…

reduce light pollution

Reduce Light Pollution with Better Outdoor Lighting

Have you ever walked around your neighborhood at night and noticed the amount of wasted, and oftentimes unnecessary, artificial light? I think we have all noticed the poorly designed outdoor lighting in our neighborhoods that contributes to light pollution.  According to the DarkSky International (IDA), light pollution is increasing at two times the rate of…

light pollution

Light Pollution is Ruining Our Night Sky

Have you ever looked at a brightly lit building or street light in your neighborhood and thought it was excessive? You know, light shining in all directions or perhaps in your bedroom window, rather than only lighting up the intended area. That is light pollution.  Light pollution is misdirected excess/obtrusive outdoor artificial light in a…

light pollution
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Deep Sky Astrophotography in Light Pollution

If you’ve been following AstroBackyard on YouTube, you’ll know that I regularly shoot DSLR astrophotography images under the heavily light-polluted skies at home. My night sky is classified as Bortle Class 8 in terms of sky quality, a white zone on the light pollution map. This certainly makes things more difficult in terms of collecting data…

light pollution filters

Light Pollution Filters for Astrophotography

One of the most common questions I receive each day is which light pollution filter I recommend for astrophotography in the city. There have never been so many choices available, with each one offering their own advantages and disadvantages. Couple that with the fact that these astrophotography filters can be expensive, and you’ve got some…

Astrophotography Setup Spotlight

Astrophotography Setup Spotlight

In this section of the website, I will feature an astrophotography setup with a complete breakdown of each component.  These equipment profiles will include all items needed for deep-sky astrophotography including the tracking mount, imaging telescope, camera, and filters.  You’ll be able to see the exact camera settings I use, and any additional accessories needed…

M8 and M20 Wide Field Image

Astrophotography from a Light Polluted Backyard

Backyard Astrophotography Summer would not be complete without spending a night enjoying the dazzling beauty that is the constellation Sagittarius. The “teapot” asterism just clears my fence to the south of my backyard in central St. Catharines. From my latitude, August is my last chance to image the many star clusters and nebulae that populate…

Wide field astrophotography processing tutorial

My Latest Wide-Field Astrophotography Processing Tutorial

In this article, I will share my latest wide-field astrophotography processing tutorial using star removal and advanced stretching techniques. Wide-field astrophotography opens up stunning views of the night sky, capturing vast regions of stars, nebulae, and constellations. In this guide, I’ll walk you through a game-changing technique to enhance your wide-field images using tools like…